Award Ceremony: The Award Ceremony will be be a virtual webinar at 3 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 4, 2023. All the winners will be announced for the School Publication Categories and Individual Student Awards.
Eligibility: Contest is open to any Louisiana High School that produces a printed Yearbook for the 2022-23 academic year. There is no cost to enter.
Submission: Enter your completed Yearbook covering the 2022-23 academic year.
Deadline: Yearbooks may be mailed or dropped off to the Loyola School of Communication and Design, Room 324, in the Communications & Music Complex on the Loyola University New Orleans Campus by Friday, Nov. 10, AT 4 p.m. MAIL SUBMISSIONS must be received by deadline.
- School of Communication and Design
- ATTN: JEA Contest
- Loyola University
- Campus Box 201
- 6363 St. Charles Ave.
- New Orleans, LA 70118
School Publication Categories: ENTRIES CLOSED
Awarded in the name of the publication and will be presented as staff awards. The Yearbook must be in the School of Communication and Design office by Friday, Nov. 10, at 4 p.m. to be considered.
- Yearbook of the Year
- Yearbook Theme
- Cover Design
- Graphics and Artwork
- Photography
- Advisor of the Year
Individual Awards: (Limit two entries, per category, per school) ENTRIES CLOSED
Awarded to individual students who produced the work. There is a limit of two entries per category, per school. The entries will be submitted using an online form indicating the page of the book where the entry is located. The book MUST be in the School of Communication and Design office by Friday, Nov. 10, 2023 at 4 p.m. and CAN BE THE SAME BOOK USED FOR SCHOOL PUBLICATION ENTRIES. NO NEED TO SEND ANOTHER BOOK.
- Student Editor of the Year
- Feature Writing
- Sports Writing
- News Writing
- Student Life Spread
- Feature Photography
- Academic Photography
- Sports Photography
- News Photography
- Graphics/Artwork